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Sunday, Sep. 29 - יום ראשון, 29 ספטמבר

עברית בהמשך [23:06, 9/28/2019] Judi Felber: [23:06, 9/28/2019] Judi Felber: We went to Jerusalem twice last week. The first time was...

Friday, Sep. 20 יום שישי, 20 לספטמבר

עברית בהמשך Nathaniel smiled for the first time after the attack!!!!! His yeshiva hosted a party for him and invited friends and rabbis...

Friday, Aug. 30 - יום שישי, 30 לאוגוסט

עברית בהמשך From Judi: Nathaniel continues to make amazing progress. He likes his independence and now is brushing his teeth. It's...

Thursday, Aug. 15 - יום חמישי, 15 לאוגוסט

עברית בהמשך From Judi: This week has had its ups and downs. On Friday, Nathaniel came down with a fever and pneumonia. Antibiotics work...

Thursday, August 8 - יום חמישי, 8 לאוגוסט

עברית בהמשך Nathaniel is still making progress. It's not dramatic, but we celebrate every little bit. He is getting dog therapy now,...

Sunday, July 28 - יום ראשון, 28 ליולי

עברית בהמשך From Judi: Nathaniel is doing more and more each day. The therapist held a jar that was closed with a lid. She asked...

Friday July 12, 2019 - יום שישי, 12 ליולי, 2019

עברית בהמשך From Judi: Nathaniel has been making great strides lately. Recovery from a brain injury is not linear, but we had a bit of an...

Tuesday, June 25 - יום שלישי, 25 ליוני

Progress is being made on the Nathaniel front. The plastic surgeon at Tel Hashomer saw Nathaniel a few weeks ago because there was a...

Friday, June 14 - יום שישי, 14 ליוני

עברית בהמשך From Judi: Nathaniel's cranioplasty has to be rescheduled. We don't have a new date yet. It will be a challenge because we...

News clip from Kan 11 - סרטון מכאן 11

English subtitles: כתוביות בעברית:

Friday, May 31 - יום שישי, 31 למאי

עברית בהמשך From Judi: June 25 is the scheduled date for the cranioplasty (replace the skull surgery). Of course, if Nathaniel is like...

Friday, May 17 - יום שישי, 17 למאי

עברית בהמשך From Judi: Nathaniel had a good week this week. He made some interesting progress. The communication therapist asked him to...

"התעוררי התעוררי, שיר דברי.."

עברית בהמשך Please pass this on: A global prayer service for the healing of Netanel Ilan ben Shayna Tzippora (Felber), among the other...

Friday, May 19 - יום שישי, 19 למאי

עברית בהמשך Passover was really nice with friends and family. This week has been a good one. They are trying to ween Nathaniel off of the...

Thoughts on our seder with the Felbers

A message from Mike Gerver, a good friend of the Felber family: We had had our Pesach Seder with the Felbers for 9 of the past 11 years,...

Tuesday, April 16 - יום שלישי, 16 לאפריל

עברית בהמשך From Judi: Here's an update before Passover. Last week was difficult. Nathaniel did not sleep well at all on Tuesday night....

Friday, April 5 - יום שישי, 5 לאפריל

עברית בהמשך From Judi: Shabbat Shalom and Chodesh tov! This week we've seen some exciting developments. Nathaniel has been moving the big...

Purim (Thursday - פורים (יום חמישי)

עברית בהמשך On Wednesday, there was a very nice Purim party with Megillah reading, food, and music. It was loud and I asked Nathaniel to...

Sunday, March 17 - יום ראשון, 17 מרץ

עברית בהמשך So, we have finished 2.5 weeks of rehab and we have a long way to go. What's new you may ask? Well, we received approval from...

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