12 February 2025
Happy Tu B'Shvat. Birthday of the trees. One day when Nathaniel was resting in bed, I went to see him. The lights were off, and I was...
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Happy Tu B'Shvat. Birthday of the trees. One day when Nathaniel was resting in bed, I went to see him. The lights were off, and I was...
On the Hebrew date of the 6th anniversary of the terror attack, Nathaniel's yeshiva hosted a celebration. They do this every year. A lot...
In speech therapy, Nathaniel said his first word: mama. He hasn't been able to repeat the feat, yet. However, if he can say a word once,...
Nathaniel is sitting with more stability. We still must monitor, but he can sit on a therapy table without holding on to the seat all the...
Rosh Hashana was busy for Nathaniel. He went to shul, ate new foods, and enjoyed being with friends and family. Â With the help of the...
In music therapy, the therapist displays pictures of a few instruments and then plays some music. Nathaniel points to the instrument he...
Nathaniel goes to hydrotherapy weekly. While he was on vacation, he was in the swimming pool with his aides and practiced some of the...
Great news! Nathaniel just moved to his new apartment in Raanana!!! As part of his occupational therapy, and because it is his apartment,...
For Purim, Nathaniel dressed up like a boxing champion. The comparison is apt. He works very hard to triumph over his challenges and to...
Nathaniel is getting better at typing on his iPad. He still can't come up with unique ideas, but he can sometimes type his choice. The...
Nathaniel's first caregiver, Haim, came to Nathaniel’s re-birth party (the anniversary of the terror attack), He hasn't visited Nathaniel...
Part of learning to eat is to learn what can fit in the mouth. Until now if Nathaniel's food is not cut into bite size pieces, he would...
With the war, Nathaniel's therapy schedule has changed. He used to go twice a week to Jerusalem for communication/speech/occupational...
Over a year and a half ago, Nathaniel had strabismus eye surgery followed by therapy to help with eye movements. Usually when people have...
Nathaniel just received a large print siddur with spiral binding. He davens every day and puts on tefillin with the help of caregivers....
Nathaniel still struggles with spasticity on his right side, but his spasticity is much less. He can’t move that side much but there has...
On Friday night, Nathaniel was in the synagogue. The caregiver noticed that Nathaniel turned one page of the siddur, and then another...
The speech therapists wrote four random words in Hebrew (one being "Judi"). She asked Nathaniel to point to "Judi", which he did...
On Shabbat, we put a slice of challa on Nathaniel's plate. The plate was on the table, not on his tray. When no one gave him the piece of...
Nathaniel started new intense communication and occupational therapy twice a week. The facility is a far drive, and the days are long,...