Nathaniel is getting better at typing on his iPad. He still can't come up with unique ideas, but he can sometimes type his choice.
The therapist gave Nathaniel four options and showed which finger to hold up to indicate his choice. He remembered the options, thought about the answer, and responded correctly.
His physical trainer is going back to reserve duty. We thought of buying him a special gift. I suggested three options and the fourth was "other." He chose "other" as I went through the various options.. When I finally offered the choice he wanted, a book of psalms engraved with the name of the therapist, he smiled and nodded his head. He also typed a note to add to the present.
His OT brought a device to help him do sit-ups. He could do the task, but his face showed the strain that it took. It is progress that he can move his facial muscles. He is no longer limited to just a poker face.
Playing Tic-Tak-Toe is no longer fun because it always ends in a tie. He really has a sense of strategy and can play his part while still keeping up on what his opponent is doing. Now the task is improving coordination.