In music therapy, the therapist displays pictures of a few instruments and then plays some music. Nathaniel points to the instrument he hears. He is pretty good at it, but it does take a lot of concentration.
In physical therapy, Nathaniel is doing sit-ups with some help from the therapist.
Nathaniel is starting to make his opinions known. During one communication therapy session, he was working with a therapist, and he expressed, "Enough!" (Nathaniel types what he wants to say on his communication keyboard). That therapist didn't understand what he meant, but the next one (therapies were back-to-back) worked until she understood that he was frustrated with so many therapies, especially that there were not any male therapists. Nevertheless, he still works hard. Often, when he is given choices, he chooses: Something else. Then, he types what he means. Sometimes it is just a synonym for one of the choices that has been offered. Still, it gives him some control of his situation.
We put a mezuza on the door post of Nathaniel's room, low enough for him to touch. Before he goes in or out of his room, he touches the mezuza and then kisses his hand in the traditional way.
He has started a new therapy using a "locomat". It's a robot-like device that is connected to his legs so that he can "walk" on a treadmill. He had tried it many years ago but was not successful. Now, he looks great. Most people watch a video of walking somewhere interesting, like a forest or the beach. It helps motivate people to hold themselves upright for walking. Not Nathaniel. He will stand straight and focus when he has videos of his favorite rabbis speaking, so that’s what we play for him.