Good afternoon from Jerusalem. One of Netanel’s military friends visited today and shared this picture which was taken on Monday. Netanel had many more visitors today including a call from Benjamin Netanyahu (the Israeli Prime Minister), a visit from Avi Gabbay (the head of the Israeli Labor Party), a gentleman who was one of the first on the scene after the shooting (he drew us a map of the area, described what happened and what he saw. They originally thought Netanel was not alive but were able to find a pulse. It was 7 minutes from when he was shot to when he was taken by the ambulance.). Netanel remains in very critical condition, but we had a positive reaction this morning. When Joe told him he would be putting tafillin around his arm, Netanel moved his shoulder as if he was giving Joe his arm to help put it on. We will take anything positive Netanel shows us! Thank you so much to everyone who has been sending love and strength to Netanel and our family. We are forever grateful!!
