Nathaniel has made much progress since returning to rehab. Since the surgery he has been able to move his right side in ways he couldn't before. He can raise his right arm a bit and he's not so spastic/stiff in either his right arm or leg, so it's easier to bend his elbow and knee. Also, he swallows much better. He is still weak from the month in ICU, but he is working hard to get better and stronger. He has a way to go, but he seems to be on the right path. So, even with all of the complications, the surgery so far was an overall success.
Baruch HaShem!!! We daven for step-by-step improvement and strength on the way, please G-d, to a full, complete recovery!! Amen!
BH That’s great news in time for Shabbat! Besorot tovot!
Such good news!
Helene and Andrew Felber
I am so happy Nethaniel is out of ICU and back on the road to making progress. I know that Hashem bless all of you with the strength to carry on so on our part we can share in good news with every update.
Mazel Tov! Such good news B'H. Shabbat Shalom!