In speech therapy, Nathaniel said his first word: mama. He hasn't been able to repeat the feat, yet. However, if he can say a word once,...
May 17, 2020
Continuing to have Netanel Ilan in our thoughts and prayers amongst all the infirm of Am Yisrael - May they all be blessed with a full and speedy recovery!
Elisheva Nikop
May 17, 2020
Oh my goodness, Happy Birthday Natanel hachamud!
As "druxman0073" said, may this year be the beginning of a fresh new start of refuot. Change your place, change your mazal. You are now 23, a whole new perek in your life! All the hard times should be behind, and may you merit a complete recovery! In Hashem's world anything and everything is possible! Refuah shleima!
May 17, 2020
Netanel, my friends and I are davening for continued good news. Your birthday should be the start of a year of miraculous improvements.
Irit wittmann
May 17, 2020
We continue to pray for you Netanel!!! We are relieved to read that you did not have seizures last night , we hope you will not have any. Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family
May 17, 2020
Mazal Tov Netanel! We pray for your full recovery!
Continuing to have Netanel Ilan in our thoughts and prayers amongst all the infirm of Am Yisrael - May they all be blessed with a full and speedy recovery!
Oh my goodness, Happy Birthday Natanel hachamud!
As "druxman0073" said, may this year be the beginning of a fresh new start of refuot. Change your place, change your mazal. You are now 23, a whole new perek in your life! All the hard times should be behind, and may you merit a complete recovery! In Hashem's world anything and everything is possible! Refuah shleima!
Netanel, my friends and I are davening for continued good news. Your birthday should be the start of a year of miraculous improvements.
We continue to pray for you Netanel!!! We are relieved to read that you did not have seizures last night , we hope you will not have any. Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family
Mazal Tov Netanel! We pray for your full recovery!