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Sunday 13 December 2020

Writer's picture: Nathaniel SoldierNathaniel Soldier

Exactly 2 years ago, on 13 December 2018, our lives changed forever. In those first days we had no idea what would be. The support and encouragement and caring and friendship have been amazing. Nathaniel continues to improve all the time.

Just last week, I put my cheek next to Nathaniel's mouth and asked him to give me a kiss. He made the kissing noise. To help with communication, he has a touchscreen laptop, which is he learning to use to help us understand what he needs and wants. Swallowing is still an issue, but he is working on it. Until he can swallow consistently, he can't begin to eat food. We've been enticing him with promises of steak, fries, and more of his favorite foods. This week is Hanukkah. One of his caregivers was eating a sufganiah (jelly-filled donut that is traditionally eaten on Hanukkah). He asked Nathaniel if he wanted one. He opened his mouth very wide so we let him taste the sugary top.

Here is a photo of Nathaniel on the first night of Hanukkah when some army personnel came to greet him and wish him a Happy Hanukkah. Hanukkah is a time known for miracles and wonders. May this year be filled with many miracles, wonders, and good health for all.

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Continuing to pray for and learn Torah in the merit of Netanel Ilan. BH May he see a full and speedy recovery amongst all the infirm of Am Yisrael - Amen! Hanukkah Sameah!



I continue to think about you every day and pray for Nathaniel's continued recovery. I'm so glad to hear reports of his improvement! Sending you my love!



I simply cried reading your update, Judy. We are truly witnessing a miracle among miracles. I pray Natanel will continue to markedly improve, growing from strength to strength!


Suzie Numkin

It is wonderful to read about all of the accomplishments Nathaniel is doing. We pray everyday for his recovery. We look forward to hearing more MIRACLES. Your friends in Gaithersburg, MD

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