On Friday night, Nathaniel was in the synagogue. The caregiver noticed that Nathaniel turned one page of the siddur, and then another page and stopped. When the caregiver looked over, he saw that Nathaniel and Joe were on the same page. Nathaniel was paying attention and following the service. Nathaniel is drinking more liquids. They are still fortified with thickening liquid, and he is drinking with a straw. Still, the amount he is drinking is improving. Nathaniel went to the Kotel on the day of the eve of Yom HaZikaron. The caregiver put on his tefillin and stood him next to the Kotel. We visited the nurses in the ICU who took care of Nathaniel and saved his life. Someone asked if he remembered them. I said that since he had been in a coma the entire time, I didn't think so. However, every time one of them spoke, he smiled. Maybe he remembered their voices. We were told that people in a coma can hear. Maybe this is proof. (Don't know if this is appropriate). The caregiver opened the sliding glass door to the balcony. Nathaniel put his two fingers to his mouth like a cigarette. The caregivers often go to the balcony to smoke, so he was showing what he assumed the caregiver would be doing.
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